IxD Classmate Book

Responsive Website Design
An interactive and responsive website developed for students in Sheridan College's Interaction Design program, enabling them to connect with peers via social media or exchange emails for project collaboration. The platform also provides recruiters an easy way to find students and connect with them on LinkedIn. To enhance user experience, the site features a click-to-copy email function, streamlining communication between users.
4 Weeks
Franziska Kwan
Katherine Dao
Tools: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Figma, VS Code, Insomnia, ChatGPT
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Web design header
Web design cards


Topic & API

To start the project, our team explored websites offering free public APIs. We listed potential APIs in Figma, starred our top choices, and used stickers to narrow down our focus to three topics. After researching APIs, we ensured they had enough resources and tested those with easy access to keys and sufficient data for creating a visualisation website.

API websites
Project Topics
Final 3 topics of choice

Use Case & Personas

The "Classmate Yearbook" addresses two use cases: helping college students connect with classmates they may not know well, and providing recruiters an easy way to contact IxD students. It displays key details like names, social profiles, and emails, allowing users to quickly understand and reach out to each other through a clickable card system.
Student Persona
Marketing Persona

API Testing

Using the Random User API from API Ninjas, we generated code with ChatGPT to display data in a 3x3 card layout based on our lo-fi wireframes.

After realising the Random User API lacked birthdates, we incorporated the Ninja API, which provided birthdates but lacked user images.

In the final test, we successfully combined both APIs, displaying images from one and user information from the other.

API Tests
API Tests
API Tests

Lo-fi Wireframes

Before moving forward with coding the website, we sketched wireframes to conceptualise the "Classmate Yearbook."

lofi wireframe
lofi wireframe

Mid-fi Wireframes

We considered two button layouts: one on the side and one in the middle. We chose the middle layout for easier navigation on phones, accommodating both left- and right-handed users, and aligning with the CTA line for better visual hierarchy and comfort. Since cards are the most important element, we prioritised key details based on student needs: name, school email, LinkedIn, Instagram, and a portrait—enough to introduce classmates without oversharing personal information. After outlining these elements, we created over 20 low-fidelity design iterations, surpassing our original goal of 10.

midfi wireframe
midfi wireframe
midfi wireframe

Style guide

We chose to use gradient colours for our website, inspired by a vote on the visual identity for Sheridan IXD in the IXDA Discord Group. This decision aligns with the organisation's current theme and reinforces visual consistency.
Style guide

High-fi Wireframe

We explored multiple designs, all featuring modern, colourful artwork inspired by various artists. Ultimately, we chose our self-made artwork created in Figma, as it aligned perfectly with our style guide and design research.

Initially, we opted for a black-and-white card design for its simplicity and strong contrast, but we later explored other options.

We added more colour selections and incorporated a gradient effect.

In the end, we selected a final iteration that aligns with the website’s theme and style guide while ensuring good contrast between the text and background.

high fi card iteration
high fi card iteration
high fi card iteration
high fi header iteration
high fi header iteration
high fi header iteration

Loading Spinner

During our tests, we faced a slow API integration that made us think the site was broken.

This prompted us to consider how to inform users that the page was loading, leading to the idea of a spinner with a rotating Sheridan IXDA icon.

ChatGPT assisted us by simplifying the code and providing detailed comments, which clarified the concept since we lacked experience with coding spinners.

ixd logo loading spinner gif

Final Takeaways


I gained a deeper understanding of API functionality and how dynamic data is managed in web applications. Researching APIs taught me to integrate external data sources and analyse JSON responses, enabling me to retrieve, manipulate, and display data effectively.

I learned how crucial it is to evaluate code continually, as we often realised that the website didn't fully align with our use case and personas. This led to necessary changes, highlighting that coding is an ongoing iterative process.

ChatGPT was an invaluable learning tool throughout this project, helping us simplify complex concepts and providing clearer explanations. For example, when we encountered difficulties with API integration or JavaScript, ChatGPT assisted in breaking down the code and offering simplified solutions, which greatly enhanced our understanding.


I encountered several challenges, including errors from old, uncommented code that conflicted with new JavaScript, preventing the page from loading. This experience underscored the importance of clean, organised code and using new files for testing.

I also faced CSS issues where changes didn't reflect on the webpage, emphasising the need for thorough testing and debugging. Additionally, CORS issues caused frustration, but I was thankful that older code from my partner worked after I redownloaded it to my laptop.

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